
All code to be executed in SMOL, with the exception of the main block, is contained in classes. Classes define fields and methods. Classes are instantiated in objects via the new expression, all objects of a class share the same methods and fields. Each object’s fields hold different state that can change over time.

Class Declarations

A class can have generic type parameters, field declarations, methods and a modelling bridge. Additionally a class may be abstract and contain abstract methods. An abstract class may containt non-abstract methods.

ClassDeclaration ::= 'abstract'?
                     'class' Identifier ( '<' Identifier (',' Identifier)* '>')?
                     ('extends' Type )?
                     '(' (FieldDeclaration (',' FieldDeclaration)* )? ')'

A field is declared using a type and a name. The hidden modifier disables semantic lifting for this field. The domain modifier moves the generated triples to the modelled node. A field cannot be domain and hidden.

FieldDeclaration ::= 'hidden'? 'domain'?
                      Type Identifier


The models declarations are used to connect object structure to semantic reflection; see Section Modeling Bridge.

ModelsDeclaration ::= ('models' '(' Expression ')' StringLiteral ';')*
                      'models' StringLiteral ';'


A rule method cannot have side-effects (no object creation, no writing field access), no parameters and can only call other rule methods.

MethodDefinition ::= ConcreteMethod | AbstractMethod

ConcreteMethod ::= 'rule'? 'domain'? 'override'?
                     Type Identifier '(' (Type Identifier (',' Type Identifier)* )? ')'

AbstractMethod ::= 'abstract' 'rule'? 'domain'? 'override'?
                     Type Identifier '(' (Type Identifier (',' Type Identifier)* )? ')'